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Puppy Diary

Here we report on the development of our 6 puppies. Initially, they are named according to the color of the birth band; later the A-litter names are added. Click on a puppy's photo for more information. Under the puppy carousel you will find  weekly reports on the development of the whole gang.

rosa Welpe
gelber Welpe
Welpe grün
Welpe lila

week 1

Now they are all here: 6 lively little rascals, the two first-born girls (red and pink) around 300 g, the other 4 around 50 g less. Other differences? Orange has the lightest fur barb, clearly. When it comes to red, I also mean to be a red tinge, but it can be imagination.

The first night was very restless, everyone had to arrive first and Feo had to take on her new role. From day 3 everything is already quite relaxed. Feo totally surprised us by wanting to go for a walk in the park after feeding the babies?!? After returning, the babies were still sleeping peacefully, all in one heap. A clever mom who immediately ate a lot and drank puppy milk. You can see that in the very positive weight development of the little ones.

Nach Geburt: Königspudel Feo u Welpen.jpg

week 2

Now they are all here: 6 lively little rascals, the two first-born girls (red and pink) around 300 g, the other 4 around 50 g less. Other differences? Orange has the lightest fur barb, clearly. When it comes to red, I also mean to be a red tinge, but it can be imagination.

The first night was very restless, everyone had to arrive first and Feo had to take on her new role. From day 3 everything is already quite relaxed. Feo totally surprised us by wanting to go for a walk in the park after feeding the babies?!? After returning, the babies were still sleeping peacefully, all in one heap. A clever mom who immediately ate a lot and drank puppy milk. You can see that in the very positive weight development of the little ones.

Königspudel Welpen.jpg

week 3

Now they are all here: 6 lively little rascals, the two first-born girls (red and pink) around 300 g, the other 4 around 50 g less. Other differences? Orange has the lightest fur barb, clearly. When it comes to red, I also mean to be a red tinge, but it can be imagination.

The first night was very restless, everyone had to arrive first and Feo had to take on her new role. From day 3 everything is already quite relaxed. Feo totally surprised us by wanting to go for a walk in the park after feeding the babies?!? After returning, the babies were still sleeping peacefully, all in one heap. A clever mom who immediately ate a lot and drank puppy milk. You can see that in the very positive weight development of the little ones.

week 4

Now they are all here: 6 lively little rascals, the two first-born girls (red and pink) around 300 g, the other 4 around 50 g less. Other differences? Orange has the lightest fur barb, clearly. When it comes to red, I also mean to be a red tinge, but it can be imagination.

The first night was very restless, everyone had to arrive first and Feo had to take on her new role. From day 3 everything is already quite relaxed. Feo totally surprised us by wanting to go for a walk in the park after feeding the babies?!? After returning, the babies were still sleeping peacefully, all in one heap. A clever mom who immediately ate a lot and drank puppy milk. You can see that in the very positive weight development of the little ones.

Tag 20.jpg

week 5

Highlight of this week: the giant playpen, which is set up in our living room when playtime is announced. In the course of the week, the well-known toys were moved a little more widely. Then we gradually added other toys. This includes toys that dangle from above and have varied surfaces that are tugged, pulled, or pawed to get them moving. The latest hit is now a round balance board, where you can do balance exercises and have fun. It's unbelievable that they sometimes manage to stand in the middle until a sibling throws them off the throne. Other highlights of the week: The little feet have been shaved for the first time and a bag with the first curls of fur has been kept for each puppy for future favorite people. Supplementary feeding, previously 2 times a day, will be increased to 3 times a day from today. Also important: They are increasingly taking the one-time pad for their business, which is welcome! This week the puppies were visited by children for the first time - of course under the supervision of Feo and me. Everyone loved the experience.


week 6

This week was very exciting. The adventure playground is a hit, and anything new in it is immediately explored and explored. Of course, they also romp a lot with each other and fight, growl, and sometimes even bark at each other. You shouldn't think that the older ones always have the upper hand, the smaller girls purple, orange and green are totally agile and skilful. Everyone often makes fun of it when they are the only ones on guard and find it appropriate to march over those who are asleep, nibbling on their ears or tail to try and wake everyone up. They are totally content, play and fight or sleep. Feeding has increased from 3 to 4 times and breast milk is in reduced amounts, 2-3 times a day at most. I think breastfeeding will be completely weaned in the coming week.

I'm actually amazed at how fit they all are. They come as soon as they notice that someone is nearby and they really want to be petted or, of course, prefer to be taken out. I can never decide in which order everyone is taken to be fed or moved in or out of the adventure playground. I just love each and every one of them and if we could keep one I wouldn't know how to choose - they are all so cute! It's a bit difficult to know that the time of delivery is approaching, but those who already have a new family are really lucky and will have a really good time and will be encouraged. I'm looking forward to further developments.


week 6

This week was very exciting. The adventure playground is a hit, and anything new in it is immediately explored and explored. Of course, they also romp a lot with each other and fight, growl, and sometimes even bark at each other. You shouldn't think that the older ones always have the upper hand, the smaller girls purple, orange and green are totally agile and skilful. Everyone often makes fun of it when they are the only ones on guard and find it appropriate to march over those who are asleep, nibbling on their ears or tail to try and wake everyone up. They are totally content, play and fight or sleep. Feeding has increased from 3 to 4 times and breast milk is in reduced amounts, 2-3 times a day at most. I think breastfeeding will be completely weaned in the coming week.

I'm actually amazed at how fit they all are. They come as soon as they notice that someone is nearby and they really want to be petted or, of course, prefer to be taken out. I can never decide in which order everyone is taken to be fed or moved in or out of the adventure playground. I just love each and every one of them and if we could keep one I wouldn't know how to choose - they are all so cute! It's a bit difficult to know that the time of delivery is approaching, but those who already have a new family are really lucky and will have a really good time and will be encouraged. I'm looking forward to further developments.

week 6

This week was very exciting. The adventure playground is a hit, and anything new in it is immediately explored and explored. Of course, they also romp a lot with each other and fight, growl, and sometimes even bark at each other. You shouldn't think that the older ones always have the upper hand, the smaller girls purple, orange and green are totally agile and skilful. Everyone often makes fun of it when they are the only ones on guard and find it appropriate to march over those who are asleep, nibbling on their ears or tail to try and wake everyone up. They are totally content, play and fight or sleep. Feeding has increased from 3 to 4 times and breast milk is in reduced amounts, 2-3 times a day at most. I think breastfeeding will be completely weaned in the coming week.

I'm actually amazed at how fit they all are. They come as soon as they notice that someone is nearby and they really want to be petted or, of course, prefer to be taken out. I can never decide in which order everyone is taken to be fed or moved in or out of the adventure playground. I just love each and every one of them and if we could keep one I wouldn't know how to choose - they are all so cute! It's a bit difficult to know that the time of delivery is approaching, but those who already have a new family are really lucky and will have a really good time and will be encouraged. I'm looking forward to further developments.


week 6

This week was very exciting. The adventure playground is a hit, and anything new in it is immediately explored and explored. Of course, they also romp a lot with each other and fight, growl, and sometimes even bark at each other. You shouldn't think that the older ones always have the upper hand, the smaller girls purple, orange and green are totally agile and skilful. Everyone often makes fun of it when they are the only ones on guard and find it appropriate to march over those who are asleep, nibbling on their ears or tail to try and wake everyone up. They are totally content, play and fight or sleep. Feeding has increased from 3 to 4 times and breast milk is in reduced amounts, 2-3 times a day at most. I think breastfeeding will be completely weaned in the coming week.

I'm actually amazed at how fit they all are. They come as soon as they notice that someone is nearby and they really want to be petted or, of course, prefer to be taken out. I can never decide in which order everyone is taken to be fed or moved in or out of the adventure playground. I just love each and every one of them and if we could keep one I wouldn't know how to choose - they are all so cute! It's a bit difficult to know that the time of delivery is approaching, but those who already have a new family are really lucky and will have a really good time and will be encouraged. I'm looking forward to further developments.

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