Puppy Diary

Puppy Orange
Our daughter was the midwife for this little mouse. Hardly freed from the amniotic sac, the puppy ORANGE really yawned at first. After a short breather, she raised her head mightily, according to the motto: "Is it even worthwhile to deal with you here?" Always recognizable by the fact that she is quite light in color. It also seems more delicate and longer than everyone else at first.
Puppy Orange
A certain "laissez-faire" persists. She is often the last to move to the Mama food source when she was cuddling with the others. Then she stays alone for a while until she seems to be wondering where everyone else is.

Puppy Orange
Very relaxed, unhurried and clearly the lightest, smallest and most delicate so far.
Puppy Orange
Orange is still the smallest, but absolutely jolly, if actually relaxed. If she's lost touch with the cohort, she doesn't notice or complain. However, she is also not quite as greedy as the others, weight-wise she is 20 grams behind green. However, we really don't want to complain, because she has already doubled her birth weight by day 8.
Puppy Orange
Small, relaxed and often the last one to wake up and follow what the milk bar has to offer. Her namesake is a bit slow, but the first name is already clear: "Allegra".
Puppy Orange
Orange is catching up, both in terms of weight and in wrestling and playing with her siblings. While she isn't that keen on supplementation, she has caught up with "Green" in weight terms. She's probably getting more breast milk because the others are more saturated. However (when everyone is suckling) she always lands on the front, less productive teats. She starts a little after the others in the direction of the milk source, and then of course the others don't make their good place available to the little sister. Like her siblings, she loves being petted on the head. Schnuckling with green is particularly popular.

Puppy Orange
She has moved up the hierarchy in every respect: meat is particularly popular. She no longer holds back at the food bowl, is also quicker and defends her place. Very cuddly and totally interested in the little orca!
Puppy Orange
In every respect, she is based on her two stronger sisters. Put on a lot of weight, strong in brawls and games and likes to have fun with everyone. She is the first to drink from the new water tank alone. Favorite food: octopus