Kennel von Feobela
What you should know about the kennel "von Féobéla"

Facts and memberships
"von Féobéla“ is the international kennel name that is protected (FCI No. 918/2022) of November 7, 2022.
We breed according to the specifications of the VDH and are a member of the ADP (General German Poodle Association). This official procedure ensures that the dogs are bred according to all recommendations and specifications. The puppies are examined by our breeding warden when they are about 8 weeks old and assessed accordingly.
From then on they can be given into loving hands. In the puppy diary we provide information about the status of things and document the development of the little ones.
Even for a poodle lady it is not easy to find the right partner. Feo was lucky: The extremely charming and handsome Olino from the Poodle breeding nido di bascha she has chosen to be the father of her puppies. Congratulations to the couple!

Send us an email or fill out the form.
If you give us your phone number, we'll be happy to call you back.
Dusseldorf, Germany